
April Fool’s Day jokes

1. Change your name

If you know that your friend has a crush on the goddess, and you know his remarks to the goddess, you can change your profile picture and signature into the goddess, and then pretend to be the identity to play tricks on your friends.

2. Wechat comments

Go to your friend’s moments below, comment as a wechat assistant: The content you posted has been encrypted for special reasons, this moments is only visible to you, please understand. At this point, your friend will be asking people to see if they can see his friend circle.

3. Post on moments

You can post a picture on your moments on April Fool’s Day and say that you are getting married. Even if it is April Fool’s Day, some people are sure to believe it and then comment or like it below. Once someone replies, you can ask her to do the same.


4. Send positioning

Many people do not know, in fact, the location of wechat can be their own choice. You can send a location to a friend in the field, located in his city’s station, or his school, near the unit, tell him you come to him, let him pick you up, absolutely will be surprised.

5. Express your love

Wechat trumpet friends, you can add their friends’ wechat, and then pretend to be a primary school sister or an admirer to tell him, but do not tell him who is, what is the name, if your friend is very curious, it is twice the result with half the effort, absolutely can depressed him.

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